
My name is Franco, and I'm a student at UC Berkeley studying Computer Science and Political Science. Thanks for checking out my website! This is the place I post projects I'm working on, write various articles, and host my PGP public key.

My site has no ads, no affiliate links, no tracking or analytics, no sponsored posts, and no paywall. Free and easy access to information is an essential part of innovation, and is the reason for so many amazing open-source projects. This website is my attempt to contribute my small part to this incredible community.

To quickly get in contact with me it's best to reach out on X. If there are any issues with the website please let me know.

For professional inquires email me at: [email protected]

What I'm Doing Now:

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This document is signed with PGP to ensure its authenticity. Download the signature here

Check out my tutorial or the article from Red Hat to learn how to verify authenticity of my writing.